Chuchi Chaechschtli.... What?

This is my journal, as a 37 year old mom of two, that tries to balance, family and every thing else, life trows at me.

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Not so good...

That's what my head tells me I am feeling like. It hit me like a brickwall yesterday. Either it is a cold or I am allergic to whatever blew in yesterday. My little Viking, is also sniffely, and still sleeping, which is unusual for the little guy.
So needless to say, today will be a day, where there shall be no housework getting done, much sitting on the couch watching tv and snuggle with the little guy. Since he is not going to school today.
Maybe watching firefly??? Cause I can't watch Serenity, since my friend has my copy for 3weeks now. I hope she actually watched it.
Maybe I can finish another pair of felted clogs. That would be great.

Oh and I got the yummies Yarn yesterday from my secret Pal, it is a silk, cotton, wool blend in Tangerine, and it screams at me to become a nice tank top. So we will see. But I also need to finish Erin, for my friend.


  • At 8:04 AM, Blogger Spike said…

    Nice to see your still around.
    Enjoy the snugggle session with your little Viking...they grow up way too fast. Wish it didn't take being sick to get them though.


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