Chuchi Chaechschtli.... What?

This is my journal, as a 37 year old mom of two, that tries to balance, family and every thing else, life trows at me.

Friday, November 04, 2005

Weigh in... again

Well as you can see no change, but I have to say I am pretty happy with this, cause we had a party on Saturday and did have a few drinks. Also Halloween, do I need to say more?
I am going to work harder this week and next week and I will try to be good during thankgiving. I also realized lately that I really stop eating when I am full. I think that is a huge step for me.

On the Knitting front:
Still working on Pie are square shawl, I am about to start the lace border, can't wait to finish it.
Also working on two Chemo hats.

Weekend, not much going on, tonight I have friends over for Raclette it's a swiss thing, and allways a lot of fun. You cook meats and veggies on top and melt the Raclette cheese on the bottom. Tomorrow I am going to a friends house to make my Christmas Cards, I have allready cut them and such, now I need to stamp and Emboss them. There is also a Chili Cookoff in the neighborhood, so we are going to have Chili for Dinner probably. Otherwise I have Pizza planned.
Well better get going.


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