Chuchi Chaechschtli.... What?

This is my journal, as a 37 year old mom of two, that tries to balance, family and every thing else, life trows at me.

Wednesday, April 04, 2007


It's a bit chilly here today, after we had 90's yesterday. I am about to head to the gym. I am still amazed at myself to see that I am going faithfully to the gym. I am still working on those pesky last 30-40lb. If you wanna read my progress, I have a Workout Blog now. I am planning on getting daily updates on there and weekly weigh ins.
My studies are going, I've studied more this week than I have in a long time. So this afternoon after the gym I will hit the book again. And watch the video. I think I finally found a method that will work.
I also set a date when I have to take my test -> May 25th, that is also the last day of school. If I don't pass I still have 3weeks left to take it again.
That's my life for right now.

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