Chuchi Chaechschtli.... What?

This is my journal, as a 37 year old mom of two, that tries to balance, family and every thing else, life trows at me.

Saturday, April 29, 2006

I think I am a bit crazy...

but I decided to go back to school, get an associates in Kinesiology and then go ahead and get certified as a personal trainer. I am having so much fun working out, and I love the interaction between my trainer and I. I think I finally found something that I would enjoy, and it has very flexible hours, which is perfect with the kids.
So this coming week I am going to ACC and enroll. I have to get my records changed from '97, cause since then I have become a resident, cause I so can't afford International tuition.
I think for the summer I am taking College Algebra and American History 1. We'll see how that goes.



  • At 3:40 PM, Blogger Spike said…

    Great choice at improving yourself...mind and body.

    Good luck.


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