Chuchi Chaechschtli.... What?

This is my journal, as a 37 year old mom of two, that tries to balance, family and every thing else, life trows at me.

Tuesday, January 03, 2006


I am commiting myself this year

  1. to get healthy again this year. I managed to loose 15lb. last year, but that is not nearly enough, so I will be working harder this time arround and I allready took some steps towards that.
  2. I wanna get better at getting my house organized.
  3. make more time for my husband, it seems our lives are getting more busy and we see less of each other each day.
  4. spend more time playing with the kids
I think these are reasonable goals.


  • At 1:07 PM, Blogger Cheryl said…

    Congrats on the weight loss in 2005!

  • At 5:39 PM, Blogger Spike said…

    Very reasonable indeed Claudia!
    Glad to see you back and congrats on the weightloss.

  • At 8:41 AM, Blogger Emily said…

    Claudia, those are great goals - very doable! Good luck with them and know that we are here for you!

    Congrats on the 15! That is awesome! 3 bags of sugar, anyway :-)


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