Chuchi Chaechschtli.... What?

This is my journal, as a 37 year old mom of two, that tries to balance, family and every thing else, life trows at me.

Friday, April 22, 2005

getting back into...

the swing of things is harder than I thought. We are back now for 1 1/2wks and I am still trying to adjust. I miss the company of my mom and my sister. The kids adjust just fine. Anika is sick with Strep Throat, but other than that we are ok.
I am making some progress on the scarf but it is boring to knit it. knit 1 purl 1 and then every 28 rows change color. I am so ready for it to get done. I also need to redo a baby blanket. But that's another story. Today all I need to do is laundry, and this time it is only 3 loads. Woohoo!!!
I allready backed a loaf of bread, cause for some reason I can't find the one I bought yesterday and we need bread for sandwiches for lunch. I also have a Buntcake in the oven as we speak, it's a cake mix I got, and we have happy hour tonight, so I am bringing something sweet.
Now I probably should hit the shower, cause I am here in my pj's, maybe not, maybe one more round of Diner Dash.


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