Chuchi Chaechschtli.... What?

This is my journal, as a 37 year old mom of two, that tries to balance, family and every thing else, life trows at me.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

February is almost over

Well Girlscout cookies are finally over and I am happy to say it all adds up.

Work is busy, I am training between 21-25hrs a week and that's as much as I can take. I love my job, it's so great to see people, and I think it is also therapy for them that hour I make them sweat.
Steve is still busy with his eternity puzzle, we'll see how that goes.
Tomorrow we are going to a student led confernce at Anika's school, I am excite and we are also nominating her for the GT program at her school, we'll see if she can get in. She is quiet smart, if I do say so myself.
Lars, well he is a little boy and does what boys do. LOL I love him to pieces.
I am still stuggling with weightloss, yes I have lost a lot of weight, but I am not where I want to be, my biggest struggle is the weekend, I finally have the weekdays figured out, now I have issues with the weekends, I know it all will workout.
Oh I am having surgery on the 7th of March, my septum in my nose needs straightening and apparently my nasal wall need to have some adjusments too. The bad thing is, I am not allowed to workout for 2weeks and no weight lifting for 6weeks, Oh and no nose blowing for 3 weeks, how am I to survive. We'll see.
That's the update from her. Oh wait, I forgot, to say that Guitar Hero for the Wii rocks. LOL


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